For a day long Ismaning’s PRUFTECHNIK employees take special care of their neighbours
Ismaning, October 2019 | PRUFTECHNIK – a business of Fortive Group – obviously is proud of its origin Ismaning, a suburb northern Munich. Due to the social engagement of its employees PRUFTECHNIK could realize some public projects and were a great support for lots of daily voluntarily working people.
Approximately a dozen of employees were around in and about Ismaning, especially by the banks of the Isar, to pick up waste and rubbish. In the end they picked up some 30 bags of waste.
A handsome group of volunteers, gathered around the vice-presidents Ankush Malhotra (CEO) and Dr. Thomas Rohe, were supporting the “Ismaninger Tisch” a charity initiative to support lowest income people and family with daily food.
A couple of guys from our R&D Department painted the hallway and a community hall at the town hall.
Besides all that physical works PRUFTECHNIK was able to collect some good amount of donations for the charity initiative “Ismaninger sozialer Topf”. Business-wide employees were selling cakes. The full total is given to this social supporter.
PRUFTECHNIK is very likely to say Thank You to all the hardworking people, who do a fantastic job even during the whole in their leisure time!