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NOVAFLUX - Flux Leakage Inspection for Black or Bright Steel Bars

Magnetic Flux Leakage Testing FAQ

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What is magnetic flux leakage testing?

Magnetic flux leakage testing is a non-destructive way to detect flaws in semi-finished metal products

Why is magnetic flux leakage testing important?

Magnetic flux leakage testing is important because it increases safety. If the metal isn’t tested regularly, certain defects can cause cracks and endanger the operational safety of machinery and possibly personnel.

How does magnetic flux leakage testing work?

Magnetic flux leakage testing uses a strong magnet to magnetize the conductive material being tested, such as steel. If there are defects, such as pits, corrosion, or material loss, the magnetic field “leaks” from the metal.

The concentration of magnetic flux on the conductive material makes it highly sensitive, revealing tiny cracks.

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