Field Balancing

The emphasis is placed on single- and two-plane field balancing techniques portable balancer instruments. Topics such as pre-balance checks, influence coefficients, balance quality and tolerances, residual unbalance testing will be discussed and demonstrated. The workshops and demonstrations are performed with our 2 channel FFT Analyzer VIBXPERT II.
Fundamentals of balancing
Static, couple and dynamic imbalance
Rotor types
Balancing in 1 and 2 planes
1-plane-balancing with optimization of the second plane
Free Balancing without compensation calculations
Assessment criteria for the balance condition
Reporting and Data Storage
Device operation VIBXPERT II
Balancing Tolerances
ISO Balance Standards
Balancing Near Resonance
One Run Balancing with Saved Coefficients
Beat Conditions
Practical exercises
Practical exercises on machine simulator and a final quiz
Students will receive comprehensive course material, refreshments and lunch
Students who successfully complete the course will be awarded a Certificate of Completion by Fluke S.E.A
2 days
09:30 to 17:30
Mechanical/Electrical personnel with various levels of machinery experience
Student should have a good technical understanding. Basic knowledge of vibration measurement is a benefit but not essential.
Rozali Salleh