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VIBXPERT 3 Balancer

The next-generation in field balancing

VIBXPERT 3 Field balancing and vibration analyzer tool

One and two plane field balancing

Well balanced machines have reduced risk of resonance vibration

+ Intuitive and interactive interface

Simplified, easy-to-use touch screen user interface

Watch the video

6 channel measurement and modern data processing

  • Better balancing results

  • Optimized calculations – simultaneously minimize vibration levels across all machine points

  • Complete insights on overall vibration levels and FFT data during balancing

Comprehensive balancing reports

  • Balancing reports include overall vibration levels, spectral graphs, polar plots, and much more

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Fast, accurate, advanced balancing device

  • Best practice and customizable machine templates

  • Modern data processing: 6 synchronous analog channels

  • Enhanced balancing reports

  • Simplified data management and analysis

  • Captures balancing data, overall vibration values, and spectral data

  • Large, user-friendly touchscreen

  • Dual-redundant button configuration

  • IP-65 rated, shockproof, scratch resistant and drop proof

  • VIBXPERT 3 Balancer Graph
  • VIBXPERT 3 Balancer on modern concrete background
  • Vibration measurement with VIBXPERT 3 Balancer by PRUFTECHNIK


Find out more …

The mobile solution for machinery health monitoring

The VibXpert 3 Balancer is an advanced smart condition monitoring field balancing tool that enables users to quickly and effectively correct unbalance faults.

With the VibXpert 3 Balancer, users can:

  • Increase the reliability of their machinery by reducing excessive machine vibration levels

  • Improve safety by reducing potential equipment hazards

  • Improve uptime by promptly identifying and correcting unbalance

  • Help meet industry standards and regulatory compliance requirements

  • Improve energy efficiency of rotating machinery, providing cost savings

  • Maximize the efficiency, quality, and accuracy of field balancing jobs

The result is extended peak operating asset performance, more effective resource use, and increased business value from operations.

The next-generation field balancing solution.

Unbalance, resulting from uneven mass distribution around a rotational axis is the leading cause of unplanned downtime and costly damage.

Today, machines operate at variable speeds, sometimes near their engineered capacity, increasing the risk of resonant vibration. Balanced machines mitigate this risk. The VibXpert 3 Balancer offers a highly efficient and user-centric experience, faster balancing results with better insights, and enhanced fault detection on rotating assets.

Machine templates

It boasts an interactive user interface with preconfigured and customizable machine templates, reducing the complexity of the balancing process.

Modern data processing

Its modern data processing capability, optimized software-based calculations from raw sensor data offers faster measurements, complete insights during balancing (including overall vibration levels, FFT spectra, phase, and time waveform).

6-channel measurements

VibXpert 3 Balancer enhances fault detection through synchronous 6-channel measurement, enabling users to minimize overall vibration levels simultaneously across all machine measurement points

Enhanced balancing reports

Balancing reports encompassing all necessary information for users, including overall vibration levels, spectral graphs, polar plots, and machinery details, among others.

Watch our videos for vibration Analysis and Balancing with VIBXPERT 3 Balancer

Introducing the New VibXpert 3 Balancer

What's new?

VIBXPERT 3 Firmware Version 1.3

  • Coast Down / Run Up Spectrum now with easier configuration, results screen, cursors and advanced post-processing

  • Triax Sensor Integration now with full support for balancing operations and coast down and run up procedures

How to install the lastest firmware:

  • Download the VIBXPERT 3 firmware file onto your PC.

  • Switch on the VIBXPERT 3 and connect with PC over USB.

  • Open Windows Explorer

  • Click under [Devices] on the VIBXPERT 3 and open the folder „update“ under „System Data“.

  • Copy the update file (VXP3_vxxxx.rom] from the PC into the folder „update“

  • Disconnect VIBXPERT 3 from PC.

  • Options:

· Update now - Update is performed immediately.

· Update later - Update is performed when device switched on next time.

Please copy previous data to your PC.

Need an update?

The Device Viewer Version 1.5

The Device Viewer software is used to demonstrate the operation of the instrument on a PC or Laptop.

Software needed?